Meet Our Ministry Team

Pastor Noel Willis is a gifted teacher of the Word of God, who has the rare ability to teach the Word of God with depth, while also teaching with simplicity. Pastor Noel breaks the Word of God down in such a way that believers learn how to apply the Word of God to their lives and as a result reach a higher level of supernatural and victorious living. Noel has a special anointing to teach on the subject of purpose and helps individuals discover, prepare for and live out their purpose

Pastor Taylor Cox Founded LTW in 1994 and served as senior Pastor for 22yrs. Pastor Taylor’s gifts and calling as a Pastor and Teacher especially equipped Him to develop a host of ministers and leaders. Pastor Taylor’s Ministry calling stemmed from the Ephesians 4 mandate, which is “….the equipping of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ”. Through this calling, and subsequent point of emphasis, he poured countless hours, energy, instruction, counseling and prayers into those who were identified by the Holy Spirit to become Ministers. Pastor Taylor regularly flowed in various gifts of the Spirit including Teaching, Exhortation, Prophecy, Governance, Giving and Discerning of Spirits

Minster Latoya Willis has an overwhelming passion to see God’s people live out the pages of the bible here in this earth…and to see God’s BLESSING completely manifested in every area of their lives. Latoya ministers the Word of God in both Youth Classes and Adult Services with a focus on faith in God’s Word. In addition to ministering the Word, Latoya serves on various ministries including: Co-chair of Marriages Made in Heaven, a ministry dedicated to building strong marriages for the Kingdom of God; the Alms Ministry, a ministry whose purpose is to assist those in the community with financial need; and she is a leader for regular prayer meetings. Minister Latoya routinely operates in various Gifts of the Spirit, including Faith, Prophecy, Exhortation and Teaching

Minister David T Willis has served on multiple ministries over the last 29 years. He served as leader over the Youth Ministry, which he and his wife Christine started and lead from 1996 – 2000. He then moved on to teaching LTW’s “Foundations of Christian Discipleship” classes for new members. In 2010 David was elevated to teaching Adult Bible classes and has been teaching ever since. Additionally, David has served on the Outreach Ministry, the Media Ministry and the Deliverance Ministry. David currently serves as the leader of the Music Ministry at LTW, which he has been a part of for over 29 years. David also currently serves on the Holy Spirit Team, where their main focuses are Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Healings and Deliverance. Min. David routinely operates in various gifts of the Spirit, as the Spirit moves him, including Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Governance, Teaching, Word of Knowledge and Exhortation

Minister Clifton Phillips is a teacher/preacher of the Word of God . Clifton has served in multiple capacities during his 26+ years at LTW. Clifton has served as a teacher in the Youth Ministry, the Helps Ministry, the Church Security Team and on the Media ministry. Min Clifton developed, and is the leader over, the “My Brothers Keeper” ministry here at LTW. He is also a Teacher/Preacher of the Word of God and routinely brings messages during Sunday Morning Services. Clifton routinely operates at a very high level in the gift of Exhortation, where God uses him to encourage and build up the saints at LTW

Pastor Tracey Holmes is an anointed minister of the Word who inspires people to use biblical wisdom to experience change and transformation. Her desire is to see God’s people living a victorious life, free from bondages and strongholds through the power of the Word of God. Minister Tracey routinely operates in the gifts of Teaching, Governance, Ministering and Exhortation